Thursday 16 March 2017



What Satanists in rock music and the popular culture do is tell you to do something which turns out to be a transgression for which you can be damned.

For example in the 1960s rock musicians told the Hippie generation to take drugs and practise yoga.

This turned out o be a serious transgression of Eastern religions.

Another message in the music was to have multiple sexual partners and open marriages.

This turned out to be a serious transgression of marriage vows which resulted in divorces.

Younger generations are being told to practise magic and witchcraft.

This will turn out to be a transgression for which they could be sent to hell.

Satanists believe that God will damn people for these things.

But God does not punish us.

There is no hell to go to.

There are, however, laws and judgements made by human beings.
And these can be invoked to punish people.

So be wary of the messages in rock music and the popular culture.

They may be telling you to transgress.

Photo Credit: ShotByTrevor via Compfight cc

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